My Dog Is Sick After Eating | Drinking

Here are some tips on how to stop your dog being sick after eating or drinking based on our own experience with our chocolate labrador.

Why is my dog sick?

As I mentioned previously my dog is sick especially after drinking. We started feeding her 3 times a day instead of twice and it did help a bit but not totally. Anyway I read a book that included dog treatments and came across some ideas on how to stop your dog vomiting. When you give a dog dry food the food swells up inside their stomachs. This can be a problem for some dogs. If they then drink afterwards the food swells even more and this can make your dog sick.

Our chocolate labrador is very greedy and wolfs down her food so fast that she takes in a lot of air as well. This is what was making her sick. Giving her smaller amounts to eat at a time helped but didn't stop the food swelling especially after eating. I guess my dog has a sensitive stomach (like me!). What we do now is to put her dog food out and then pour boiling water over it. When it has cooled we let her eat and say stop when she starts eating too fast. We keep only a small amount of water in her drinking bowl so she can't drink too much straight away and then after about half hour we let her drink as much as she wants.

Doing this has stopped my dog vomiting and given me peace of mind about camping next time! If you find that your dog is sick after drinking or after eating then try this out and see if it helps.
dog is sick